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Last update: Wed, Feb 9, 2022 12:47 PM

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A year later than the original review (below; you can read if you want the nitty gritty) I lost 35 kilos on this program and have kept it off for over a year. My BMI is a healthy and stable 21.3. I’m no longer on the program and am doing great with my food. I would say that you need a great deal of determination and the ability to really commit and believe in the program. People we know who were inspired to try it gave it away after losing 5kg or so. I think the reason why it worked so well for me is because I had belief in the program combined with the self-discipline to keep going. Even my coach at the chemist said that I am one of the few who has stuck with it. So, it’s hard! But nothing comes for free or without effort. If I can do it you can too - I’m still a recovering choc-o-holic with a crazy sweet tooth and a love for salty carbs! The diet showed me to measure my food intake and make wise choices. Also, I must stress that (because of an injury to my archilles) I lost the majority of my weight WITHOUT EXERCISE! Losing weight really is 90% diet and I’m sitting here as the proof. I do walk and run now, mainly because I enjoy it and to keep me toned and healthy, but don’t worry that you’ve got to take on a crazy ‘biggest loser’ style of living. No - you’re just going to eat smarter. Keep reading if you want to see my original review.

After a great deal of research my husband and I decided to start the Impromy Program at our local ChemMart chemist. We paid $50 to join for life which included the CSIRO Simply Well cookbook, an app for our phones and we scored a few free shakes.

Okay so I usually eat fairly healthily but enjoy my snacks . This is usually no problem as I’m fairly active. However an injury last year has left me unable to exercise to the extent I usually enjoyed and the weight piled on. My husband is very active and not terribly overweight (8 kilos or so) but wanted to lose his middle age belly, lol. I had a bit more to lose - 10 kilos to get back to my former weight before the injury. However I wanted to lose more - 20 kilos would bring me back to my weight 20 years ago.

So it’s a meal replacement program and it’s pretty rigid. You have to be committed. It’s 7 days a week (not to me confused with the Flexi online program which is different, giving you a day off each week to eat whatever you want) and initially this seemed daunting.

The first couple of days were nasty. I was pretty hungry and craving sugar and salty carb goodness. However, my husband and I are pretty competitive - there was no way I would give this up before he did!

The first week I lost 2.5 kilos, the same in Week 2. Wow, I couldn’t believe it. This was really encouraging - it wasn’t really that hard and after the first couple of days I felt less hungry and in control. There was no way I was going to stop when I had such fantastic results.

Fast forward to today, day 69 of the program. I’ve surpassed my first goal and on the way to losing the 20 kilos - so far 12.3 kilos! That’s like over 6 2 litre milk bottles off my back. I feel great and inspired to continue the program. My husband is back to the weight he was in his 20s. It’s unreal.

So the shakes cost $5 each. I like the cafe latte one the best and vanilla’s not bad either. You can also get meal replacement bars and soups too which are also $5. The chocolate bar is yum but the soups are not, unless you’re into cupasoups.

I go weekly to the lady at my local Chemart and she’s helpful, checking my blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol each month, all of which have reduced dramatically.

The diet is personalised for you in stages, which is worked out via the CSIRO website (I don’t do that, the Chemart lady does it when I weigh in). I’m motivated enough so I don’t really need the weekly checkin, but I guess it does make me accountable and would be a godsend for people who struggle with self control.

The goal at the end is to reduce the meal substitutes with real clean food healthy options.

Oh and the cookbook! That’s excellent. At night we eat like kings. It’s pretty amazing that food can be so flavoursome without high calorie extras. We’ve even cooked the recipes for dinner parties - seriously tasty. Most recipes I’ve adapted to use my thermomix. Some are a bit tricky but we’ve got about 6 favourites on rotation and the formula (200g protein, no carbs, plus unlimited veggies - no potatoes) make it easy to make your own substitutes although I would recommend that beginners just follow the program exactly.

Anyway this is a long post but I figure if it motivates someone to get as healthy as I feel, it’s worth it! Two friends are on the program and are doing really well too!

Currently the program for me right now consists of two meal replacements ($10 per day). This is seriously affordable as I no longer buy lunch at work or buy snacks when I’m out.

Just do this, it’s a real lifestyle change for the better.

3 years ago

review by Donna Mineo

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