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Price Comparison Site

Price Comparison Site A site for comparing prices of goods and services.



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4 Reviews

4.1 SmartReviews Score


The official Bobby Orr site offering pictures autographs biography statistics and information

Recent Reviews

From my experience with this website I would warn everyone do not spend a dime on this site. I believe the operator Ron Blanchard is a con man or at the very least A liar and a poor business man. The site looks legitimate but I ordered a product, paid by Credit card and never received anything. Contacting the owner by email and telephone got promises to send the product or that it was "already sent and should be practically at your doorstep". That was 2 months ago and to date nothing has arrived. I requested a refund 3 weeks ago but have not received even a response to my request. I filed a complaint with the BBB and hope they can help me get a refund. In my mind, it's a shame that this bottom-dweller is using Bobby Orr's good name to run a shady website. A crying shame. If anyone reading this knows Bobby Orr IRL please make him aware that this is going on. Thanks for reading.


3 years ago

Tim J.

I am so sorry about this site. After the order was placed ( 5/25/2016 ) we heard nothing for 2 weeks...Only that the item was shipped...not how, from or delivery date...we sent an email for more information ( this was to be a anniversary gift on a special date ) info was sent...we thought we had been taken by this sport site. TODAY...a package arrived...from Canada....and it's perfect ! We had no idea that it was coming from out of the USA & not from FL. SO...this sport sight is Spot On ST


3 years ago

Susan T.


11 Reviews

3.3 SmartReviews Score


AnimefreakTV 1 Site to watch thousands of dubbed and subbed anime episodes including Dragon Ball Super Attack on Titan Naruto Shippuden One Piece

Recent Reviews

This is definitely one of my favorite places to watch streaming anime. They have a TON of different selections and you can search by title or genre. The community is also great. If you have a question about a certain anime or need a new suggestion based on your interests just post in the IM box and someone is sure to help you out!


3 years ago

Caraline G.

such a good anime website. they have almost any anime you can think of in english dub. i got hooked again on sailor moon, they have episode 1-46 what more can i ask its free anime full episodes. So check it out and and when the video is loading they have a chat room underneath the video so u can chat while your waiting for the video to load but i must warn you. most of the chat users are little kids around 11-13. but hey anime is for all ages.


3 years ago

Adriana A.


4 Reviews

4.9 SmartReviews Score


Engrishcom - the original Engrish site - occured 1996

Recent Reviews

This is one of the sites I bookmark for reading over my morning coffee. Frankly you either love Engrish to bits or you just don't get it. Those who don't get it probably consider it racist and insulting to the Japanese specifically and Asians in general. And they might be right if the presentation were different. We're not saying "oh look at what the stupid Japanese have done now", but if that's what you want to infer, you won't find anything to laugh at here. For the rest of us, the concept of "Engrish" has been around for a long time now and might be defined as the various, usually unsuccessful, attempts by the Japanese to make their products either understandable by western tourists, or attractive to young Japanese who want to emulate Western ideas, or both. Prepare yourself for entirely meaningless T-shirt slogans, unintelligible supermarket labels, hilariously inappropriate restaurant menus and more, as the entrepreneurs of Asia open their Webster's at a random page and pick more or less any words that look interesting for their next T-shirt range. By the bye, this site comes just a little second to my fave Engrish destination at Visit both, you can never have too much Engrish.


3 years ago

Chris O.

An Asian person who has not made fun of a family member's English has got to speak a little Engrish him/herself. is a site that compiles all of those strange, indecipherable, incomprehensible signs, food labels, company taglines, t-shirt designs, etc. that you can find in Asian countries, Chinatown stores or on the cards that your (asian) parents (if you have some) write you on your birthday. I get a huge kick out of a lot of these. Here are the most popular:


3 years ago

T. N.


12 Reviews

3.7 SmartReviews Score

Recent Reviews

Mortgages are the tool that makes the dream of home-ownership possible. Down the road you can also purchase a second mortgage. Whatever your reasons may be for needing a mortgage, the following advice will improve your chances of getting a good rate and a quick approval. Before trying to get a mortgage approval, find out your credit score. Mortgage lenders can deny a loan when the borrower has a low credit score caused by late payments and other negative credit history. If your credit score is too low to qualify for a mortgage loan, clean up your credit, fix any inaccuracies and make all your payments on time. To make your application for a mortgage fast and easy, make electronic copies of your last two pay checks, two recent bank statements, W2s, and tax information. Lenders will ask for all of this information to go with the application and having them on hand in electronic format makes it easy to supply this information. Do not sign up with the first mortgage lender that you come across. There are so many out there that you would be doing yourself a disservice by being hasty. You should shop around a bit to make sure that the rate you are being offered is fair and competitive. Before getting a mortgage, study your credit history. Good credit is what can help you get a mortgage. Obtain copies of your credit history and scores from the three major credit-reporting bureaus. Study your reports carefully to ensure that no issues or errors must be resolved before you apply. Many lenders need a minimum score of 680, which complies with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae's guidelines. Most lenders want to avoid scores that are lower than 620. Before you try and get a mortgage, you should go over your credit report to see if you have things in order. The new year brought tighter credit standards, so improve your credit rating so that you have the best chance to get qualified for the best loan products. Save up for the costs of closing. Though you should already be saving for your down payment, you should also save to pay the closing costs. They are the costs associated with the paperwork transactions, and the actual transfer of the home to you. If you do not save, you may find yourself faced with thousands of dollars due. Learn about the three main types of home mortgage options. The three choices are a balloon mortgage, a fixed-rate mortgage, and an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). Each of these types of mortgages has different terms and you want to know this information before you make a decision about what is right for you. You may be so excited about getting a new home that you go out and start buying all types of furniture. Unless you are paying for the furniture in cash, you need to hold off on this. You don't want to open any lines of credit or make any large purchases until after your loan is closed. If you're having difficulties obtaining a loan from your credit union or a bank, you should contact a mortgage broker. Often, mortgage brokers have access to better deals for your situation than a bank would. They work with different lenders to get the best option for you. Consider a mortgage broker for financing. They may not be as simple as your local bank, but they usually have a larger range of available loans. Mortgage brokers often work with numerous lenders. This allows them to personalize your loan to you more readily than a bank or other finance provider. You only need to know the basics to get a good home loan. Use every tip here when looking for a loan. This will help you acquire the perfect mortgage for you.


3 years ago

James T.

Investing in the real estate market can be an intimidating prospect. However, with the right information, it can also be profitable. This article contains some ideas to help direct you. Use this information as a platform. The more you know, the more likely you are to succeed in this type of investment. Don't invest in real estate that has not been inspected by a professional, independent third party. A seller might pay for the inspection, but can you really trust them if they use someone they know? You will want to get a full report on this matter from a neutral professional. If you're seeking to invest in the real estate market, you must determine the time you plan to devote to managing your property. It can be time consuming to deal with tenants. A company that specializes in property management can take this problem off of your hands. Know what you should be looking for in a property based on current trends in the market. For example, if you're going to rent out the properties you buy, then it's best to have units that are for single people, which is a current trend. Another example is to ensure any home you buy has three or more bedrooms because it will be easier for you to sell or rent to families. Never give up! Real estate investing is not a simple thing to jump into. There's a lot to learn, and you should expect quite a few bumps and bruises along the way. But with patience and increased skills from playing the game, you'll become better and better at it. Check the economic outlook in the area you want to buy a house in. If an area has a high rate of unemployment and the job horizon isn't forecasted to change any time soon, that can affect your property prices in a negative way. This minimizes your chances of getting a good return on your investment. Cities that are booming are sure to provided enhanced property values. Get your funding in check prior to scouting homes. You are wasting time if you don't know where the finances will come from. In fact, the delay after you've found the perfect home can be the difference between you getting the home and not! The best properties will always have a line of interested investors. If you've got the itch to start real estate investing, take action immediately. Real estate investing is one of those things that people often say they want to do, but never ever give it a shot. If you're serious about it, get serious now, not later. The longer you wait, the more missed opportunities you will have. Don't invest in properties you don't like. Only purchase properties that you like and will enjoy owning. Of course, it should be a good investment on paper and in reality; however, you should not purchase a property that you dislike simply because the numbers are good. You are sure to have a bad experience and be unhappy with it. Be careful not to lose focus during a bidding war. Bidding wars get people emotionally charged up. That can lead to bad mistakes like paying too much for a home or bidding against yourself. Remember, the numbers never lie. Stick to your initial numbers and bow out when the price goes over them. You need not be overwhelmed or frightened of the real estate market. Knowledge will help you in making sound choices. This article had a great deal of good information to start with. Once you understand how real estate works, you will become more comfortable with it. Then, you can be on your way to success.


3 years ago

Randall J.


18 Reviews

4.3 SmartReviews Score


Bid on online auctions and save All auctions start at 0 with no minimum reserve Everything must go DealDash is the fair and honest bidding site

Recent Reviews

I've been a customer for quite many years now. In the beginning you lose more than you win because we don't have so many strategies. But after you get hold of it, things gets much better and it is really worth. However, I can't play without a software called BidFellow. It has been my 'partner' to help me to know when to enter the auction and also to automate my bidding.


2 years ago


So far I have liked every product I have won on Deal Dash. Quality products.Good variety of items, easy checkout. Timely shipping. What's not to like. Wish they would let us pick our own amount of bids to purchase. Sometimes I don't want 300 bids. Let me decide how many I want to purchase at a time.


3 years ago

Nancy D.


2 Reviews

4.6 SmartReviews Score


Versus is a global data-driven comparison platform covering over 90 categories Compare smartphones cameras headphones graphics cards and much more With detailed tech specs data visualizations and price comparisons Versus is the best product finder for a wide range of consumer electronics from smartphones to PC hardware

Recent Reviews

Another interesting site that lets you compare one device to another. Lets say you are in a market for a new phone. You are trying to decide between a galaxy s4 and the iphone 5s and 5c. Just type in the keywords galaxy s4 in one box and iphone 5s in the other box and BAM. The comparison is completely unbiased unlike many other sites, since it is computer generated.


3 years ago

Michael P.

Was looking at portable speakers and this site scores the sound quality of a Sony SRS XB10 at 64 whilst it gives a Bose SoundLink Revolve a meagre 38. The Bose was rated as #2 portable speaker of 2019 by Techradar whilst the Sony didn't even make the top 10 which is not surprising as the XB10 is at the budget end of Sony's offerings. So whilst this site is useful for comparing factual information it isn't to be trusted when it comes to issues of actual quality.


3 years ago

Joan C.


1 Review

4.9 SmartReviews Score


Our Book Price Comparison is free objective and easy-to-use Compare book prices on new used and rental books textbooks Find the lowest price on books

Recent Reviews

For those who read and buy books online week after week, this website is a great help especially if you are looking for used books. Simply write the title, author or ISBN, the site will churn out all the sites from the cheapest book price in a table for you to compare. You can then click on the site you want to go to, and booksprice will bring you there. If you want another alternative, is good, too. I'm not sure if they do earn a commission or how they do it but it has been a great help for me. I buy all my graduate course books second hand, partly due to tight budget, partly for environmental reasons. I love recycled stuff. Hope this helps more students!


3 years ago

Kris C.


21 Reviews

3.5 SmartReviews Score


RussianGirls4ucom - is a fast growing Russian Marriage Site to meet Belarus Girls Ukrainian Girls and Russian Girls for marriage Meet Russian Girls TODAY

Recent Reviews

My very best friend, Eric from Stockholm in Sweden, fpund his wife on! His wife's name is Svetlana and she looks so damn hot (I have to admit. Usually, I just prefer Asian girls). Seems to be a great site!


3 years ago

Sam S.

Use the site for two months already. i have not found Mrs Right yet but hope this happens soon. At least I can see it happening. Had a Skype call last week, for example. Many beautiful ladies on this site but main advantage compared to most other sites in this category is their pricing model. I have been using a different, very well known competing Russian dating site before and I am a little embarassed to admit that I've spent over 1K with zero results! This site is the first site in this category that offers a regular pricing model which won't leave you bankrupt.


3 years ago

Lewis H.


2 Reviews

2.9 SmartReviews Score

Diana Speaks

Diana Speaks - Official site of Diana Speaks

Recent Reviews

Contrary to what Emily says, I would argue that the site includes quite a lot of information not generally known about Diana, but has Emily really listened to over 20 hours of podcast interviews with the entity claiming to be Diana and communicating via Andrew Russell-Davis? Initially skeptical, I became convinced after listening to the interviews and speaking with the Diana entity several times on the phone. Not once has she been caught out with a glaring mistake, and she has indeed given information not readily available. For instance, that she and her son William had a heated conversation on the phone when she was in Paris just before her assassination, for that's clearly what it was, in which he said her behavior on the yacht off Sardinia with Dodi had upset him. Some conspiracy theorists, including Mohammed al-Fayed, say one of the motives for Diana's assassination was that she was pregnant with Dodi's baby. The Diana entity speaking thru Andrew Russell-Davis, while maintaining she was indeed murdered as part of a conspiracy, insists she was NOT pregnant with Dodi's or anyone else's baby. Listening to hours of interviews, the Diana entity also gives loads of little anecdotes about her life with Charles, etc. which are not readily known. As to why the website has not been closed down, well surely that in itself indicates that those who were closest to Diana in life and knew her personally recognize it is Diana? If someone were impersonating your mother, sister or close friend on the Net would you not try to get the site closed and get the person responsible prosecuted? In fact it appears many close to Diana in life know it is her, listen to her words and take heed of them. One friend of Diana's urged Andrew to publish her post-humous book channeled thru him on the site, as he was keen not to make any money out of this project, and indeed hasn't. All the interviews, written messages, the channeled book, etc. are for all to read free of charge. William has been contacted by Andrew with regard to this channeling and a warm reply was sent thanking him. That too is indicative that those closest to Diana in life know it is really her communicating thru Andrew Russell-Davis. However, in view of what happened to Diana in Paris and the subsequent cover-up, it is dangerous for prominent people to openly say that it really is Diana communicating. Still as critical of the Establishment as she was in life, the Diana entity is outspoken and not afraid to say that the Paris crash was no accident, point out the reasons why this is the case, and also to cast doubt on the very future of the Monarchy and comment on the restrictive lifestyle it would mean for William were he to one day become King. The site is there and people who knew Diana in life listen to and read the channeled messages. The powers-that-be leave the site there hoping it will be ignored/ridiculed. To close it down would draw attention to it, as the channeled messages/interviews, etc. are safely stored and can easily be reposted to a new site, and people en masse may then start paying attention. This is why there has been no attempt to close down the present site, although the first Diana Speaks site was badly corrupted (we still don't know why) and eventually had to be replaced by the current one. My advice is don't voice an opinion on this site till you've listened to over 40 podcast interviews in their entirety, and then you are qualified to make a judgment.


3 years ago

Tony P.

What a load of rubbish, and offensive to all those who knew Diana especially her family. The fella on this site, seems obsessive, and has read and analized Diana's voice, tone and dialect, there are big flaws on the site, as there is nothing new and not known about the Princess. I'm surprised it hasn't been closed down. I think there are more professional, and better ways to demonstrate our love and compassion for the late Princess, by visiting her official charity sites. This is deeply upsetting for her family.


3 years ago

Emily H.


2 Reviews

2.6 SmartReviews Score

Recent Reviews

Disgusting will never order again from them BEWARE applying discount codes at the checkout, which are accepted, and payment taken may well result in an email the following day cancelling your order as a "computer glitch" allowed a discount code, emailed to me that very day to be applied, which obviously shouldn't have been. Not my mistake - theirs. A shop on the high street would honour any price errors they made, and sell you the item at the discounted rate as advertised/seen. Seems online is another matter for this supplier. Luckily a happy ending - ordered the same item at Kates Clothing, used a valid discount code which was accepted - havent received an email yet to say they've made a mistake - happy days!


3 years ago

Melanie S.

Love their merchandise. Well made. I'm a repeat customer. Their customer service is great. Their tracking info is right on. It comes from the U.K. So for me it was a couple of weeks, but well worth the wait. ;)


3 years ago

Sasha L.


1 Review

3 SmartReviews Score

My WordPress Website

Just another WordPress site

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1 Review

4.9 SmartReviews Score


Geek-Art le site de rfrence sur l039art inspir par la pop culture Graphisme design illustration Quand l039art est inspir par les comics le cinma la littrature les jeux vido la science-fiction et la fantasy

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1 Review

5 SmartReviews Score


The number one football price comparison site Browse thousands of deals on football boots kits equipment and much more

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1 Review

3.9 SmartReviews Score


Compare broadband deals including TV home phone and SIM only using our price comparison Switch and save up to 251 per year

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1 Review

4.1 SmartReviews Score

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1 Review

5 SmartReviews Score

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4.9 SmartReviews Score

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2.9 SmartReviews Score

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4.2 SmartReviews Score

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1 Review

3.7 SmartReviews Score

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1 Review

3.3 SmartReviews Score

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1 Review

4.9 SmartReviews Score

Wedding Spot Search Price and Compare Wedding Venues

Wedding Spot is the first online site that allows you to search price out and compare wedding venues

Recent Reviews


1 Review

4.9 SmartReviews Score


Retrouvez les 2 marques de puériculture BABYMOOV et BADABULLE sur le SITE OFFICIEL du Groupe Tous les Produits Bébé et Matériel de Puériculture innovant et tendance à tous les prix robot culinaire sac à langer doomoo babyphone Garantie à vie

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1 Review

4.9 SmartReviews Score

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2 Reviews

4.2 SmartReviews Score

Recent Reviews

They charge delivery fee for every item you ordered. For example, in my case, I ordered two educational posters for school and instead of receiving them together, they sent them separately, just so I would be forced to pay delivery fee twice. It goes without saying there was no mention of this when I placed the order, which means what I agreed to pay on the site is different from what they actually charge when they deliver. I read on a blog they did this to someone who ordered seven books. Seven books, seven times the delivery fee. It truly is a disgusting policy for a company.


3 years ago

B. I.

I've ordered a watch :"Ceas Fossil Abilene CH3016" before Christmas, early December. The package should have arrived before Christmas but nothing like that happened. So I call them to see whats happening with my order because i have no new notifications and the year 2018 has passed yet no package. I recieved the explanation that the supplyer had some problems nad cant make the delivery. Fine, i can understand that but why did no one notify me?? I've canceled the order. A few days past and I check the website again for a watch. I found the same watch but now with a bigger discount and I tought to myself that the supplyer problem is fixed, why else could this watch be for sale again. So I place a second order with the same product. 2 Weeks passed by and nothing. I contacted them and recieved the same answer, but when i asked "why is the watch still on display when in the last 2 months you cant honorr this order?" they had no answer. I'll never order from them again. Customer service is verry bad. Money wasted.


4 years ago

Deleted User


7 Reviews

3.1 SmartReviews Score

Recent Reviews

DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! I booked my 1st Anniversary break with them 5 weeks ago snd they took my money on the day £179 and sent me my booking confirmation. Today, 2 weeks before my break, they have emailed to say the room is not available. On the basis of my booking, my husband had booked multiple treatments in the hotel spa for us, all of which are non-refundable. No refunds have been received and they are not responding to my emails... DO NOT USE!!!


3 years ago

Sharon Meechan

Horrendous customer service from start to finish. I booked accommodation valued at over €1000+ Changes to our dates were required and despite numerous emails and voicemails, it took almost a week for someone from “support” to respond. I started to lose confidence and started to worry about our holiday and the financial security of this company. Despite apologies and promises to upgrade our welcome pack, I cancelled. Holidays are too expensive and too precious to mess with and I had no confidence that Pets Pyjamas would provide the service. Now four weeks later, and many more emails and irate phone calls, I am still chasing a refund on our credit card. We have had to lodge a dispute with our credit card company and I have also spoken to our solicitor to help. Such a huge waste of time and much added aggravation that could have been avoided. I cannot recommend this company and only hope My review will deter others from falling into the black hole we found ourselves in when booking our holiday with this company. Never again.


3 years ago

Brian O'Briain


1 Review

4.9 SmartReviews Score

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1 Review

4.2 SmartReviews Score

ec Showroompr

Showroomprivecom est un site internet de ventes privées qui organise pour ses membres des ventes exclusives de grandes marques Vous trouverez un large choix de produits avec des réductions allant jusquà -70 sur le prêt-à-porter homme femme enfant

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4 years ago

Deleted User


1 Review

4.6 SmartReviews Score


The Steroids Bodybulding Mega Site

Recent Reviews

Me encanta. Gimnasio espacioso, familiar y con buena atención y dedicacón.


1 year ago



1 Review

4.2 SmartReviews Score


Compare all the top travel sites in just one search to find the best hotel deals at HotelsCombinedcom - awarded worlds best hotel price comparison site

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